
The Augustiner Chorherrenstift Neustift is located in Vahrna, close to Brixen (Bressanone), South Tyrol, Italy.

Adress: Augustiner Chorherrenstift Neustift, Stiftstr. 1, 39040 Vahrn (BZ)

Embedded in an active monastery, the “Bildungshaus” is set beautifully at the foot of dolomites, surrounded by vineyards, and has a uniquely creative atmosphere.

How to get there

Travel by train

Trains run frequently from Munich (Germany), Innsbruck (Austria) or Milan (Italy) to Brixen (Bressanone).

The links to the German, Austrian and Italien trains are provided here:

From the train station Brixen to the monastery "Kloster Neustift" you can:

  • Take the Citybus No. 2 or 3 to the bus stop  "Kloster Neustift“
  • Take the bus towards Bruneck to the bus stop "Neustift/Hotel Pacher“. From there, it takes 5 minutes to walk to the "Kloster Neustift" monastery.
  • Take the taxi


Travel by bus

Information to the bus tables for bus lines in South Tyrol can be found here:


Travel by airplane

Flights should be taken to Munich, Innsbruck or Milan.


Travel by car

Destination address: Augustiner Chorherrenstift Neustift, Stiftstr. 1, 39040 Vahrn (BZ)

Brixen (Bressanone) is directly located at the Brenner highway.